Zombie Proof Deadbolts Installed by Mr. Locksmith

Zombie Proof Deadbolts by Installed Mr. Locksmith. For further information go to https://pentictonlocksmith.com/

You can buy a Zombie Proof house from Tiger Log Cabins and they are ready and willing to stand behind its product by offering a 10-year anti-zombie guarantee.

Add our Life Time Guaranteed Zombie Proof deadbolts to your house.

Add our Life Time Guaranteed Zombie Proof deadbolts to your house.

However, at Mr. Locksmith we are offering the ultimate Life Time guaranteed Zombie Proof Schlage Heavy Duty Deadbolt with reinforced door plate and 18″ strike plate with 3 inch screws to protect the frame of the door.

Call today and get your Zombie Proof deadbolts installed.


Schlage Deadbolt Lock

Heavy Duty Deadbolts starting at $295 Installed