Expert Locksmith Terry Whin-Yates Talks Electronic Locks in the New York Times

Expert Locksmith Terry Whin-Yates Talks Electronic Locks in the New York Times “Losing the Key”

Imagine how much easier your life would be if you could unlock your front door from the touch of your iPhone.


No need to fish through your pockets for your keys while holding grocery bags at the front door.


Imagine having complete home control at your fingertips with an electronic security solution like a keyless entry door lock.


Even in this modern age of technology, the common house key has remained a staple and has been surprisingly resistant to change.


The hands-free ease of unlocking the door with keyless technology is making its way in the market as door locks are now entering the “smart” world.


President and chief executive of Mr. LockSmith, Terry Whin-Yates, has been featured in the New York Times article ‘Lose the Key’ [link to New York Times Article] explaining his use of electronic door locks.

Intelligent security for your home


Home automation systems and keyless entry is possible with the click of your iPhone or other smartphone technology.


Although Mr. Whin-Yates is a 3rd generation locksmith and an outspoken voice in the industry, (several videos showing the weakness of the Smart Key locks “Opened in less than 10 seconds“) he isn’t hesitant to replace the standard lock-and-key. His front door has an electronic lock by Schlage  that he hooked up to a home-automation system.


Mr. Whin-Yates states in the New York Times article how convenient it is for him to use his smartphone to control his home-automation system:


“I can unlock my door, I can look at my house and I can turn lights on and off, all from my iPhone,” Mr. Whin-Yates said.


You might not like to carry a big set of keys around – one for your door, your car, your bike lock and more.  But, I know you’re probably thinking about the practical concerns about going keyless…


What if your smartphone is lost or stolen?


What if your phone’s battery dies?


Each smart-lock maker has addressed these questions in their own way. The technology is still in it’s infancy and there is more work to be done to ease our concerns with the keyless entry.

Schlage Electronic Touch Screen Deadbolt

Schlage Electronic Touch Screen Deadbolt


Don’t throw away your keys just yet


Although keyless entry can make your life a lot easier – a backup traditional lock works just fine to keep your home secure when you’re away from your home for an extended period of time.


Take it from the professional locksmith, Mr. Whin-Yates, to install a backup lock. He has installed a second, mechanical Schlage High Security Primus deadbolt for when he is away from the home for an extended period of time.


“The key is still the backup,” Mr. Whin-Yates said. The key may be slowly disappearing, he added, but it will continue to be in use for a long time to come.


Traditional keys have given us an all-purpose metaphor (the key to success, the key to happiness) and they will still have a place in society for a very long time.


“When they dig up our civilization,” Mr. Whin-Yates said, “they’re still going to find a bunch of bones and a set of keys.”


Skeleton Keys in the Sand

Skeleton Keys in the Sand

Note: Terry Whin-Yates favorite electronic residential lock and the lock on his house and his Moms is the Schlage Electronic  Deadbolt (also recommend by Consumer Reports).